Husband Finds His Wife Exhausted, Eating All Alone -But Knows EXACTLY What She’s Hiding…

Phillip and his wife Jessica live in Rome, New York. Like most couples their work keeps them busy, but Jessica’s work especially keeps her busy. Recently Phillip captured a photo of his wife that showed a small window of what her day is like.

Husband Finds His Wife Exhausted, Eating All Alone -But Knows EXACTLY What She’s Hiding…

Jessica is a stroke nurse who spends her day caring for others which leaves her exhausted by the time she gets home. After a 14-hour shift, she makes it home where she has just enough energy to sit down to eat a sandwich. Then, her husband says, she goes to bed to get ready to do it all over again. Her morning routine is to shower, pack her lunch, say goodbye to the dog and Phillip, and head off. He said that he respects what she does and wanted to share a public letter in dedication to how hard Jessica works.

Husband Finds His Wife Exhausted, Eating All Alone -But Knows EXACTLY What She’s Hiding…

The Facebook post that Phillip wrote starts with a candid photo of Jessica, hair in a ponytail, still in scrubs, looking tired, and eating a sandwich. He starts off saying,

“This is my wife Jessica having dinner after a 14 hour day. She comes home from work, has enough time to eat and get ready for bed and it’s back to work the next day for another shift.”

He goes on to talk about how she spends her day taking care of others who are going through the worst days of their lives.

Husband Finds His Wife Exhausted, Eating All Alone -But Knows EXACTLY What She’s Hiding…

She is there to take care of them. His wife spends her day on her feet, often missing lunch, and hardly having time to even sit down. When she gets home all she wants to do is take off her shoes and sit down. Some days she will want to talk, others she won’t. The best Phillip can do as a husband is be there to listen. He talks about the love he has for his wife and ends his letter with,

“My wife is my hero. My wife is a Stroke Nurse.”

Husband Finds His Wife Exhausted, Eating All Alone -But Knows EXACTLY What She’s Hiding…
Husband Finds His Wife Exhausted, Eating All Alone -But Knows EXACTLY What She’s Hiding…
Husband Finds His Wife Exhausted, Eating All Alone -But Knows EXACTLY What She’s Hiding…

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