Georgia’s Special Election Has the Chance to Deal a Devastating Blow to the Donald Trump

Georgia’s Special Election Has the Chance to Deal a Devastating Blow to the Donald Trump

Michael Bublé’s Son, Noah, Officially Cancer-Free

Michael Bublé’s Son, Noah, Officially Cancer-Free

Appeals Court Rules Donald Trump’s Golf Course Still Owes Over $400,000 to Paint Store

Appeals Court Rules Donald Trump’s Golf Course Still Owes Over $400,000 to Paint Store

People Said She Couldn’t Dance Because of Her Weight – So Promptly Silences Her Doubters

People Said She Couldn’t Dance Because of Her Weight – So Promptly Silences Her Doubters

New Polls Showing Trump Supporters Aren’t Even Buying His Bullshit Anylonger

New Polls Showing Trump Supporters Aren’t Even Buying His Bullshit Anylonger

Trump Supporters Fear That Children Being ‘Forced To Do Muslim Prayer’ In School

Trump Supporters Fear That Children Being ‘Forced To Do Muslim Prayer’ In School

Paul Ryan Spent His Recess Fundraising, While Avoided Holding a Single Town Hall

Paul Ryan Spent His Recess Fundraising, While Avoided Holding a Single Town Hall

Syrian Photographer Takes Off His Camera and Picks Up Injured Boy

Syrian Photographer Takes Off His Camera and Picks Up Injured Boy

Facebook Murder Victim Was a Grandpa Walking Home After Easter Breakfast

Facebook Murder Victim Was a Grandpa Walking Home After Easter Breakfast

Manhunt for Facebook Broadcast Killer Extends to Other States

Manhunt for Facebook Broadcast Killer Extends to Other States

John Oliver Warns France Against Electing Marine Le Pen: ‘Don’t F*ck Up, Too’

John Oliver Warns France Against Electing Marine Le Pen: ‘Don’t F*ck Up, Too’

Female Soldier Boards Plane – Stopped and Asked ‘What Does Your Ticket Say?’

Female Soldier Boards Plane – Stopped and Asked ‘What Does Your Ticket Say?’

Single-Payer Health Care Experiencing Record Support in Congress

Single-Payer Health Care Experiencing Record Support in Congress

United Forbid a Man from Taking His Mobility Device With on His Honeymoon

United Forbid a Man from Taking His Mobility Device With on His Honeymoon

What Is Happening In West Texas Right Now, Shows Exactly Why We Need The EPA

What Is Happening In West Texas Right Now, Shows Exactly Why We Need The EPA

Trump Claims He’ll Freeze Subsidies to the Poor Until Obamacare is Repealed

Trump Claims He’ll Freeze Subsidies to the Poor Until Obamacare is Repealed

Alabama Senate Votes to Allow Churches to Create Their Own Police Force

Alabama Senate Votes to Allow Churches to Create Their Own Police Force

A Wilder Word: Is Trump Trying to Start World War III?

A Wilder Word: Is Trump Trying to Start World War III?

Police Are Spinning What Happened in the United Airlines Passenger Dragging Video

Police Are Spinning What Happened in the United Airlines Passenger Dragging Video

Rebuking Jeff Sessions, Judge Rules Texas Voter ID Law Was Designed to Discriminate

Rebuking Jeff Sessions, Judge Rules Texas Voter ID Law Was Designed to Discriminate