Want To Know What Trump Would Look Like Without That Fake Tan? Here You Go:

Whatever else you want to say about present Republican Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, one thing is certain: He’s definitely larger than life. And, lately, he’s also been considerably tanner than the rest of us. In fact, in the eyes of some of his harshest and most prominent critics, his trademark “Annoying Orange” tan has gotten the jump on his other meme-worthy characteristic – his legendary “stylist’s LSD nightmare” of a haircut. But now the “Orange Trump” meme has taken on a whole new life of its own, thanks to the newly viral contribution, courtesy of Jen Lewis from Buzzfeed.

Want To Know What Trump Would Look Like Without That Fake Tan? Here You Go:
Want To Know What Trump Would Look Like Without That Fake Tan? Here You Go:

It seems that Jen Lewis was inspired to jump on to her Photoshop suite and answer the question that millions of people around the world have been asking for quite some time now: What makes Trump so tan? While we may never truly know what exactly inspires The Donald to indulge in such questionable tanning activity, one thing is certain: The results are unfailingly hilarious (not that Donald is necessarily in on the joke himself). So what exactly did Jen do, and why has the resulting upload gone viral in such a hurry?

Jen Lewis noticed that the area around Donald Trump’s eyes is much more normal than the rest of his face. In fact, when seen close up (as in the photos that Lewis released to Buzzfeed), his eyes seem to be surrounded by a patch of white. Meanwhile, the rest of his face is a shiny bright orange hue that really does him no favors. But when she finished with her Photoshop editing, the result was simultaneously more and less than she had initially hoped for. In fact, it was downright disconcerting and even frightening.

Once she had taken a sample of Donald Trump’s “real” face, as revealed only by the patches of tan free skin around his eyes, she then applied it to the rest of his face. And the results went viral for a reason. Without his orange tan, he’s quite a pasty faced mummy! He looks years older, frail, and quite unhealthy. Perhaps this is the reason why he prefers at all costs to keep his true features hidden under the heavy mask of an obviously store bought tan. The alternative is appearing in front of TV cameras looking like a centuries old corpse from an Egyptian themed horror film!

Want To Know What Trump Would Look Like Without That Fake Tan? Here You Go:

When you take away the ridiculous orange tan, Trump does look far more like a man of his years. But does that bode well for his future health and vitality? After all, his rival Bernie Sanders looks exactly like you expect – an elderly Jewish grandfather. Does Trump seriously think he’s going to beat him just by looking deceptively younger? Meanwhile, who knows the true state of his health? What else is he hiding?

In the end, it’s all good and well to laugh at the ridiculous vanity and even more LOL-inducing statements The Donald makes seemingly every time he gets in front of a microphone. His hair is ludicrous, his face is brighter than the sun, and everyone knows how “YUGE!” his ego is. But it’s also important to remember that this man has more than a fighting chance at securing the Republican Presidential nomination and going forward from there to become our next President. Laugh all you want, but don’t turn your back!

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