This Man Skips Rocks Over Frozen Surface Of Lake, And Creates Strange And Eerie Noises…

This Man Skips Rocks Over Frozen Surface Of Lake, And Creates Strange And Eerie Noises…

Skipping rocks is an age old pastime almost everyone of us has done at some point during our lives, but very few of us have done so in the wilds of the Alaskan wilderness. An Alaska resident got the a big surprise when he skipped the ultimate skipping stone across a deserted, and frozen lake.

What he wasn’t ready for was the strange sound he heard echoing up from the dark cold depths of the frozen water, but when he did the reverberations of the bouncing stone made an altogether eerie and unexpected noise. Skipping the first stone over the still water was an easy task, and the strange high pitched sound echoed for several seconds after the initial impact.

The still and frozen water of the lake creates a strange high pitched sound when struck by something hard like a rock.  The man’s reaction to this sound is to immediately search out another stone to bounce off the still waters of the lake, naturally.

He continues running around the edges of the lake, gathering stones that he can then toss out onto the gigantic, natural new instrument he just discovered. Next time you find yourself at the edge of a frozen lake, look around and grab yourself a rock, see if you can’t recreate this strange sound.

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