She Takes An Old Egg Carton And Starts Cutting It Up. What She Ends Up Making? ADORABLE!

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese philosophical tenet that says everything should balance and harmonize within the surrounding environment. Interest in Feng Shui spread to the western world after Richard Nixon’s 1972 visit to China, and it has since become part of the American interior decorating world. More than just arranging furniture in a room to point in a certain direction to ensure wealth and good health for the occupants. Feng Shui has found its way into the decorative area of repurposing used, functional items into new, beautiful decorative ones. Mirrors are a popular Feng Shui accessory. One Feng Shui belief is that placing a decorative wall mirror inside your foyer will repel any unwanted spirits from entering your home. A side benefit of this practice is that the light reflected by the mirrors makes the space appear larger. One clever DIY project turns standard egg cartons into a stunning mirror frame for Feng Shui purposes.

She Takes An Old Egg Carton And Starts Cutting It Up. What She Ends Up Making? ADORABLE!

Materials needed 1. 5 – 12 Standard 12-cup egg cartons depending on the size of the mirror. Any carton, polystyrene foam, clear plastic or recycled paper molded pulp cartons, will do. 2. 1 – Large mirror, 1 smaller mirror with frame removed. 3. Hot-glue gun and hot-glue sticks 4. 3mm MDF board. 5. Scissors, a drill, a handsaw and a paintbrush. 6. Picture-hanging wire, Selleys All Fix household adhesive 7. Black acrylic paint, white enamel spray paint. 8. Pencil and ruler.


1. Cut a slit into each corner of one cup, making four slits. Divide into four pieces cut into petal shapes. Repeat on second cup, then on third cup except make the cut petals small so they can be bent into a curve to form a flower-bud shape.

2. Using the hot-glue gun, join the three layers together. Offset the second layer so the petals are spaced between petals of the bottom layer. Add the third layer of flower-bud petals to form a complete flower for your mirror frame.

3. Repeat the process until you have enough egg-carton flowers for go to completely around the frame.

4. Spray the flowers with the white paint, allow to dry.

5. Measure and make a mark 1” from the top and 1” down one corner of the MDF board. Join the marks with a line to form a triangle. Saw off the triangle. Repeat for all corners.

6. Position the mirror in the center of the board and trace around it with the pencil.

She Takes An Old Egg Carton And Starts Cutting It Up. What She Ends Up Making? ADORABLE!

7. Drill two pairs of holes in the frame above the mirror. Thread picture hanging wire through the holes and secure it.

She Takes An Old Egg Carton And Starts Cutting It Up. What She Ends Up Making? ADORABLE!

8. Paint the board border with the black paint. Allow to dry.

9. Glue the mirror into place.

10. Starting at one corner, glue roses to frame.

She Takes An Old Egg Carton And Starts Cutting It Up. What She Ends Up Making? ADORABLE!

11. Bend the flowers if needed to fill in any gaps.

12. Continue until frame is completely covered and the project is finished.

She Takes An Old Egg Carton And Starts Cutting It Up. What She Ends Up Making? ADORABLE!

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