Lazy Trump Took Vacation to Florida After Barely two Weeks In Office

Lazy Trump Took Vacation to Florida After Barely two Weeks In Office

President Trump has done a lot during his first week as president. He has signed multiple executive orders. Even though he has not been in office long, he is already planning on taking a vacation in Palm Springs, Florida.

Conservatives were outraged every time that former President Obama They stated that Obama was sending the wrong message to the country when he took a vacation. Greta Van Sustern, who works for Fox News, constantly talked about Obama going to vacation. She stated that Obama was sending the country was going to Hell in a handbasket.

Many people think that the nation is going in a bad direction. President Trump has signed everything that Steven Bannon has put in his hands. Trump has decided that going on vacation while our nation is going in an uncertain direction is the best thing for him to do.

Trump has not had what many people would consider to be a real job within the past 15 years. He was also born into a wealthy family, so he does not really know what it is like to struggle. Now, he has the most demanding jobs in the world. Many people think that he is unfit for the job.

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