Bus Driver Sees Strange Couple Outside the School, Then Realizes What’s In Their Hands…

Last summer North Carolina bus driver Alice Bradley became a hero. Her day had started out just like any other normal work day. She was pulling into the school parking lot near South Macon Elementary to pick up her school bus and get her day started when she noticed a couple she had never seen before standing in the parking lot. Then the man lifted his arm and pointed a gun at her.

Instead of panicking, Alice sprung into action. She hit the gas pedal of her car as hard as she could and pointed her car directly at the couple. This sent the pair running for cover instead of shooting at her.

The couple were later identified as Adam Conley and Kathryn Jeter. Police say that the couple had five loaded pistols between the two of them and admitted to investigators that they were planning on carrying out an attack at the nearby elementary school. The pair said that they would have carried out their plans if it had been “God’s will”. Macon County Sheriff Robert Holland said that Alice’s quick thinking was likely what stopped the attack from happening.

Parents of students as well as the entire community are rallying around Alice and calling her a hero for her actions. Alice said that she was scared, but she thought of the children and knew that she had to do what she did.

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