22 Years Ago, Patrick Swayze Danced With His Wife And Brought Millions To Tears

Although it was almost twenty-two-years-ago, many still remember the dance that the talented actor Patrick Swayze and his wife Lisa Nieme performed together on international television. Patrick Swayze was at the peak of his popularity.

The hit film “Dirty Dancing” had been released a few years prior and had helped make him a household name, not to mention helped showcase his talented moves as well.

In 1994, the pair took the stage at the World Music Awards where they performed a dance number together to Whitney Houston’s song “All The Man That I Need” as a tribute to the powerhouse pop singer.

The dance they performed stunned all that were watching. Even today, those who go back to watch the video are left in awe of the clear bond that the pair obviously share together. When the dance is complete, even Whitney Houston is left in the audience furiously clapping for the amazing performance.

Before Patrick’s death in 2009, the pair had been married for 34 years. During the course of their marriage, Patrick never made it a secret how devoted and crazy in love he was with Lisa. They met as teenagers in 1970 when Lisa was taking dancing lessons from Patrick’s mother. Now we know where the two got their moves from!

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