U.S. Federal Government Finally Admits Marijuana Does Kill Cancer Cells

U.S. Federal Government Finally Admits Marijuana Does Kill Cancer Cells

People have been saying that marijuana can kill cancerous cells for several years. The government has finally admitted that this is not a crazy conspiracy theory. It really can kill cancerous cells. Amy Willis runs the official cancer advice website.

She stated that there is evidence to suggest that cannabinoids can be effective for killing cancerous cells. You can smoke it, put it in baked goods or make tea with it. Regardless of how you ingest it, it will be effective.

The National Cancer Institute also has a list of other positive health benefits that can be reaped from using marijuana. It can alleviate pain, inflammation, anxiety and reduce stress. It can also suppress the growth of tumors. The website also talks about how there have been laboratory studies done in order to confirm that cannabis is good for one’s health.

Many people are wondering whether other countries will admit that cannabis can be good for one’s health. One of the many great things about the cannabis herb is that people can use it experiencing side effects. It can also treat many other health conditions in addition to cancer. Amy stated that it is the National Cancer Institute’s duty to provide people with treatments that will benefit them.

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