The Food Our Public Schools Are Feeding Our Children Is Something I Wouldn’t Even Feed My Dog

School lunch, something every student in America has had to sit through and enjoy the bountiful harvest that the food industry can provide to our school system. Some of us might look back at these lunches with a distinct fondness, or a hint of nostalgia. We can recall the food not being that great, but it was something. At the very least we could say that our meals were cooked all the way through and we knew what we were eating. The same cannot be said for the students in Prince George County, Maryland are being served in their school cafeterias. If this stuff that the children are being served is called food these days, then the kids would be better off eating garbage out of the waste bin.

Nobody is going to claim that feeding the younger generation is not important. Everyone agrees that we should feed them properly to ensure their survival and continued education. We all readily agree these are good and proper things; however, the actions we take to ensure this are certainly not backing up our words.

The children in Maryland have made claims that they were being served disgusting and moldy food for their lunch. While it is not unheard of to have children complaining about their food, the pictures they are posting to Twitter show us the truth of the matter. Images of under-cooked hamburger patties sitting atop moldy buns are among the more tame pictures you will find. There are also pictures of orange juice cartons, way past their expiration date that the school obviously does not check for.

Maybe these pictures would not be so bad if it were not for the fact that these lunches are the only option for most of these children. It is doubtful that many of them can afford to provide their own, decent lunch, every day. This is something the school district should be doing, and not a burden that should be left upon the generation they are supposed to be educating. What does this teach the up and coming generation?

That it is okay to not provide the best possible services to their children? That it is alright to show negligence in the most basic areas of human existence? These are not the values that our schools need to be teaching our children. At the very least, these are not meals we want our children to be eating – these items they are being served should not even be considered food.

The worst part of this whole food situation is that the school system does not seem to be doing a thing about this justified outcry the students are giving on social media. All the concerned public has been given about the food is a phone number to call if there happen to be any concerns about their service of “food.”

This sounds like solid action on the school’s part, doesn’t it? Be sure to call a number if you have concerns about them poisoning your children! Meanwhile, they will continue to serve the disgusting slop that even dogs would hesitate to eat. We can do better than this. We must do better than this. Call for change in the mistreatment we are giving our children, and make sure that it is acted upon.

The Food Our Public Schools Are Feeding Our Children Is Something I Wouldn’t Even Feed My Dog

The Food Our Public Schools Are Feeding Our Children Is Something I Wouldn’t Even Feed My Dog

The Food Our Public Schools Are Feeding Our Children Is Something I Wouldn’t Even Feed My Dog

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