VIDEO: Stephen Fry’s Response To What He Would Say If He Met God, Is Sure To Make GOPers Cringe

RTE, interviewer, Gay Byrne presented British author,comedian and outspoken atheist, Stephen Fry with an age old dilemma. “If per chance, you found yourself on the outside of the Pearly Gates, and came face to face with the Christian God, what would you say?” In other words, how would Fry handle knowing he was wrong about not believing in god. Fry’s reply was respectful, yet quite straightforward.

He would confront God with some serious questions. How could he, the Christian god, allow atrocities to happen in the world? Why does evil happen to innocent people, particularly to children. He called the Christian god capricious, mean minded and stupid, as well as evil and wrong. Fry asked why he should respect any god like that. The world is full of injustice and pain.

Seeming flustered, Byrne replies, “You’re not going to get in like that.” Fry was animate. He would not want to get in on his, the Christian god’s terms, which are wrong, cruel and unjust. He mentioned an insect which burrows into the eyes of children. At least the Greek and philosophers and gods were more like humans. The Christian god claims to be all powerful, all knowing and all loving.

Byrne could only say, that it was the longest answer he has ever received for that question.

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