VIDEO: She Takes A Handful Of Raw Meat And Dips It Into The Water. What She Pulls Out? OMG!

A woman sitting by the water with a bucket of fish. There’s nothing strange or eye catching about such a scene. In fact, most people have probably found themselves in a similar position a few times in their lives. However, what comes next is about as far from most people’s experiences as it’s possible to get.

The woman extends her arm, and dangles something into the water. It’s only then that it becomes clear what she’d been holding. Caught tight in her grip is a handful of rotting meat which now extends into the water.

She lowers it further for a few seconds, and then brings it right back to the surface. She then shakes it over the bucket of fish. It’s only as she repeats the action that it becomes clear what’s going on. The woman is using a mass of rotting meat to fish for piranha.

Most people know of the fish by reputation, but few in the western world have seen them in person. Or even within a video. Even then it’s normal to have a somewhat fearful reaction to the name. They’ve remained a fixture in horror movies for some time. The video shows just why they’ve captured people’s attention for so long. Even as the fish squirm and breathe their last, a small clicking noise can be heard as they snap their jaws together.

It’s a subtle reminder of just how much damage even one fish could do to a person. What’s most remarkable is the woman’s calm as she continues her strange fishing practice. There’s not even a hint of nervousness or fear as she retrieves one pirhana after another from the water.

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