VIDEO: She Glues Cotton To A Paper Lantern. When You See The End Result…WOW!

Here is a cool project that anyone can very easily do inside the comfort of their own home. Basically, this woman demonstrates how to make a ceiling lamp out of simple materials. Materials needed are “cotton batting, paper lanterns, a wooden dowel, fishing wire or string, a hot glue gun and battery-powered lights”

First, cotton batting is glued around the surface of the lantern. Any sized lantern will do. A string is then tied to the wooden dowel that is secured on the ceiling, using screw-hooks preferably.

Once everything is secured, clear string is then attached to each side of the paper lantern. Hang the lantern from the ceiling once this is done. At this point, you will have something that looks exactly like a cloud. Pull the lights through the base of the cloud. It’s now done!

This makes a perfect gift for almost anyone. The cloud lantern is really cool to light up in the dark. As a side note, it’s recommended to use LED lights, since they don’t get hot.

Using regular light bulbs could pose a serious fire hazard. After all, the entire thing is made up of combustible materials. As long as the project is done safely, you will be able to enjoy the presence of this crafty decoration.

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