VIDEO: Pat Robertson Says Non-Religious Children Should Be Beaten Until They Do THIS

It is not surprising when Pat Robertson says something outrageous anymore unfortunately. It is practically expected at this point. The religious television preacher is known for making a number of comments that the general public finds to be quite offensive.

His latest one is that children should be beaten until they respect Christian beliefs if they are in fact non-religious. Robertson was responding to an e-mail that he received from a grandmother who said that her grandson does not respect her beliefs in Christianity.

Robertson suggested that the child should be beaten until he came to respect the faith of his grandmother. Pat Robertson went on to say that the child would need a strong male role model in his life or he would end up in a correctional institution.

Apparently, Robertson has the belief that those who do not agree with his particular religion are going to go straight to jail. It sounds more like the vision that he might wish for than the country that actually exists. The approach that Robertson was suggesting is actually illegal.

Child abuse is something that is against the law, and Robertson should know that the things he is recommending that his viewers do are things that could actually see them in a correctional institution. It is a rather ironic situation that has meant that Robertson is advocating for the abuse of children. Many are upset by the fact that his show the 700 club continues to run on a Disney channel owned television station.

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