VIDEO: I Was Confused When She Pressed Dental Floss Against Her Nail. Then I Saw The Result. COOL!

Nail polish designs are becoming increasingly more complicated as the creative nail-artists come up with unique ways to turn their regular nails into personal palettes. However not everyone has the time, energy or artistic talent to do something so involved and time consuming, but thankfully there are still simple ideas out there that will look just as good as anything extravagant. Here’s one of them:

The first thing that you’ll need is the supplies (which can be found at any drug store, grocery store or all-purpose store): one pack of dental floss flossers, at least three containers of fingernail polish, as well as a clear polish sealer and a bottle of nail polish remover. You may already have all of these items at home! If not, they will be very easy to collect.

The next step is to apply a light coat of polish to the fingernail, and then use a dark coat to begin the stripes. Use the polish brush to remove any excess polish, then brush it lightly on the floss. Use the flosser to press down on your painted nail. And voila! Your first stripe is done. Keep laying those stripes down one by one, and then get another flosser and switch colors, this time to a color that will stand out against the dark polish. Paint the second set of stripes in the same way, placing them right alongside the first stripes.

Afterward, feel free to go back and touch up the first few stripes, and finally, keep it all secured in place with one final top coat of clear polish. The resulting design will be unique and eye-catching, and it is very easy to pull off.

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