They Thought Their Old Mailbox Was Boring.So They Did THIS And Now Neighbors Are Jealous

They Thought Their Old Mailbox Was Boring.So They Did THIS And Now Neighbors Are Jealous

The things we eat and own are a reflection of our character. This is certainly true of the home we purchase. Be it big or small, it is a representation of how we value ourselves. Admittedly, a mailbox would not necessarily be seen as an item that “represents” the family. That said, it certainly is the case for this family.

Using tylergarner wood, the family assembled a deeply attractive and rustic looking mailbox. The wood used was four ordinary 1’x3′ cedar planks and two 4’x4′ fence posts. Next, the family cut the cedar planks into what appear to be two-foot long strips. An 80 grit sander was used to give the wood additional finish. After laying out the planks, the wood was stained with Minwax Spar Urethane a total of four times. This gave the wood a deep finish, protective cover, and the appearance of being walnut wood.

The next step involved assembling the pieces into the mailbox support. Supports were used to give the mailbox added strength. Hillman Group brushed nickel numbers were used to display the address number. The numbers nicely contrasted the rustic look of the wood giving it a contemporary flair. Once assembled, the family had a mailbox post and arm support made entire out of wood. Lastly, they put the support in place using 30” post spikes, and attached a simple aluminum mailbox with red handle to the top. The result is truly eye catching. More importantly, it was all done by hand. Who would have thought that a mailbox could be such an attractive item for a home?

DIY Mailbox

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