They May Seem Like 2 Ordinary Dogs. But When They Stand Up You Won’t Believe It!

The Fisher family wanted a horse – but after considering and rejecting the idea, they got a pair of huge dogs instead. The Fishers are a normal young couple like any other, residing in Long Beach, CA with their three young sons.

They May Seem Like 2 Ordinary Dogs. But When They Stand Up You Won’t Believe It!

They named their bear-like dogs Ralphie and Boss, and the dogs have formed a special bond with the human boys. Not only do the dogs make devoted baby sitters, but growing to over 6 feet from nose to tail, these dogs could be excellent body guards, as well. The Fishers have witnessed the growth of a deep bond between the two big dogs and their sons.

They May Seem Like 2 Ordinary Dogs. But When They Stand Up You Won’t Believe It!

Ralphie and Boss are New Foundlands, a long-haired breed from the cold North known for their gentle temperament as well as their large size. The Fishers specifically chose this breed after doing a bit of research, attracted by their reputation for loving personalities, despite the possibility of these dogs growing to a size of nearly 300 pounds. They didn’t realize just how big that was until they met Ralphie face-to-face at the breeder.

They May Seem Like 2 Ordinary Dogs. But When They Stand Up You Won’t Believe It!

The boys – Lenox, Cruz, and Tegan – are thrilled and fascinated by their shaggy companions and their rate of growth. Ralphie is still growing at 125 pounds, while Boss tips the scales at 160. Being friendly, devoted pets, they are calmly tolerant of the boys’ rough-housing or using them as furniture.

They May Seem Like 2 Ordinary Dogs. But When They Stand Up You Won’t Believe It!

They may be huge, but they’re gentle giants that enjoy affection and fancy themselves lapdogs. The Fishers can take them anywhere without worries of them getting out of control. Everywhere they go, animal lovers are drawn to the pair of big dogs, and they’ve turned into local celebrities.

They May Seem Like 2 Ordinary Dogs. But When They Stand Up You Won’t Believe It!

The only downside to such big dogs – apart from the amount of food they eat – is the drool. A little slobber is normal for the breed, but when they shake their heads it sprays everywhere. The Fishers have to keep towels handy to wipe up the mess. But the love and affection they and their boys get in return makes it well worth the trouble.

They May Seem Like 2 Ordinary Dogs. But When They Stand Up You Won’t Believe It!

Ralphie and Boss love their family and look after their little charges faithfully. As the boys and dogs grow together, they’re bound to have many wonderful moments together. You can follow the Fisher family and their experiences on Instagram to check in on these furry giants and their happy family.

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