The Secret Recipe For Wendy’s Frosty Is Finally Out. Here’s The How To…

Wendy’s has been slinging Frosty’s for almost half a decade now. We’ve all had one – and if you haven’t you should try it. Unless you’re like a vegan or lactose-intolerant, of course. In which case you can just take my word: they’re delicious. And until now you could only find them at a Wendy’s restaurant.

Luckily, Brandi Milloy of the online series, “Get the Dish” has taken it upon herself to share a recipe that comes very close to the original. Only three ingredients are needed to accomplish this task: a 14-ounce can of sweetened condensed milk that’s poured into a bowl, followed by a half gallon of chocolate milk and an eight-ounce tub of Cool Whip whipped cream. The condensed milk provides texture to the finished product, while the Cool Whip makes it light and fluffy. The concoction is mixed together with a whisk brush, then put in an “ice cream maker” for approximately 20-30 minutes.

The Frosty was created by Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas in 1969. Thomas wanted the mix of chocolate and vanilla to work in tandem with his hamburgers. A straight chocolate milk shake felt too strong and just vanilla too plain. So Thomas got creative and combined the two…

It may not be exactly like the original, but the ability to whip up an old favorite from the comfort of one’s own home serves much appeal. Watch the video and learn how!

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