The Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Has Been Cleverly Hiding From You

The Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Has Been Cleverly Hiding From You

Most smartphones have plenty of features to help with typing, browsing, and receiving notifications. Many of these tips are common knowledge, but some have been kept a secret from most users. Every iOS update brings new secret tricks that improve your iPhone’s functionality.

The Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Has Been Cleverly Hiding From You

The clock app allows you to set a sleep timer when listening to music. If you like falling asleep with music playing, you can set the timer to turn the music off after however many minutes you want.

The Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Has Been Cleverly Hiding From You
The Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Has Been Cleverly Hiding From You

If you usually keep your phone on vibrate, you can customize your phone’s vibration patterns for different notifications. You can go to your phone’s vibration settings, which is found in the sounds settings menu, and tap a custom vibration pattern with your finger.

The Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Has Been Cleverly Hiding From You

When you make a typing mistake, you can shake your phone to undo the typing. If you want to see the time stamps for all your texts, swipe your finger to the left over the messages, and all the time stamps will appear to the right of the messages.

The Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Has Been Cleverly Hiding From You
The Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Has Been Cleverly Hiding From You

If your phone seems to be lagging, you can try a few tricks to speed it up. You can clear up RAM by holding down the power button until you see the “slide to power off” message. Then, hold down the home button until the screen goes blank for a moment and the home screen reappears. You can also improve your phone’s speed by clearing the cache. In the App Store or Game Center, tapping the bottom of any icon 10 times will clear the cache.

The Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Has Been Cleverly Hiding From You

The Secret iPhone Tricks Apple Has Been Cleverly Hiding From You

You can return to your recently closed tabs in Safari by holding down the “+” symbol near the bottom of the screen. This will open up a list of all your recently closed tabs. To improve your Internet connection, go to the “cellular” menu in the settings app, scroll down, and turn on WiFi Assist. If you have a weak WiFi connection, your phone will automatically switch to your LTE connection.

As smartphones become more and more advanced, you can discover more hidden tips and tricks for texting, browsing the web, listening to music, and using other apps. Many people rely on their iPhones for communicating with people, keeping track of their schedules, and accessing the Internet, and these tricks can make iPhones even more convenient.

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