The ‘Lock Her Up’ Guy – Michael Flynn – Now Wants to Testify in Exchange for Immunity

The ‘Lock Her Up’ Guy – Michael Flynn – Now Wants to Testify in Exchange for Immunity

The Wall Street Journal has reported that Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor, has informed FBI official and House Intelligence Committee members that he is prepared to testify in exchange for immunity.

Despite placing the offer on the table, there have been no takers, yet.

The Wall Street Journal reported that it was unclear whether or not Flynn had offered to discuss specific details of his time as a member of Trump’s team. However, the fact that Flynn was requesting immunity suggests that he may feel he is in legal jeopardy following his short term as the national security advisor.

Joy Reid, a national correspondent for MSNBC, tweeted that it is hard to forget Mike Flynn’s speech when he chanted against Hilary Clinton shouting “lock her up” during the Republican National Convention

Upon revelations that he lied to Vice President Mike Pence concerning the details of his communications with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, he was forced to resign. Intelligence agencies are investigating Flyn’s contacts to determine any collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives. During the 2016 presidential election, Russia reportedly influenced the results by hacking operations and providing misinformation.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Democrats are demanding to know if Flynn violated the emoluments clause in the Constitution when Russian entities, including the Kremlin-funded RT media network, paid him a significant amount of money (tens of thousands of dollars) prior to signing on with the Trump campaign.

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