The Hillary Clinton double standard in a nutshell Is Explained Perfectly Here…

The Hillary Clinton double standard in a nutshell Is Explained Perfectly Here…

The media has had a field day excoriating Hilary Clinton for “Emailgate.” This scandal – that the presidential candidate sent private emails from a “homebrew” server while in office – has been in the press constantly since her Presidential bid began.

Now, further news has come to light. Apparently the prospective Democrat nominee sent at least two emails that contained classified information. This has led to a whole new round of press, but one facet of the story has been ignored.

After 9/11, then-Governor of Florida Jeb Bush sent and recorded email via a private server while in office. These emails were in regards to very serious matters of national security. One email from an aide recommended National Guard troops protect several power plants in the area. Bush wrote back: “Florida power does not want it. We are reducing or getting rid of guard protection in the other plants.”

The fact that Jeb Bush would deny National Guard protection in an area simply because a private corporation didn’t want it (wouldn’t the residents want the protection?) is shocking, and definitely worthy of coverage. Still, this and other surprising emails have received little attention during the 2016 Presidental Campaigns.

It’s clear that the “Emailgate” story is merely a tool meant to harm Clinton’s presidential bid with what merely amounts to a non-story. The fact that the Republican candidate isn’t held to the same standard for his identical actions simply proves this fact.

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