Teen Hero Uncovers Kidnapping Plot And Blows This Dim-Witted Captor Out Of The Water!

Teenager Malyk Bonnet made headlines in Quebec when, on August 1st, he heroically aided in the rescue of a kidnapped woman. The seventeen year old had just finished his shift as a cook at a local restaurant when he noticed two figures, a man and woman, standing near the bus stop. Right away, he noticed something suspicious about the couple. The man was aggressive, yelling at the woman and pushing her. Bonnet began to watch the couple more intently and when the situation seemed to be coming to a head, he decided it was time to intervene. Bonnet approached the scene.

The couple asked Bonnet for some money so that they could take the bus, but the boy was cashless.  So the flustered gentleman entered a nearby store to get some cash. While he was away, the woman explained frantically that she was being held hostage, against her will. He didn’t want to say or do the wrong thing and further aggravate the already tense interaction. So Bonnet decided that his best strategy was to befriend the captor and keep the couple in sight so the police would be able to locate them quickly and respond decisively. He hopped on the same bus as the couple, striking up a friendly conversion with the man. He continued on the bus and then metro with them and stuck around all the way to Laval, Quebec.

Once they arrived, he asked to treat the couple to lunch and offered them $50 for their meal. Once they were settled in Tim Horton’s, Bonnet excused himself to the bathroom. Once alone the clever Canadian kid called the police with a borrowed phone another patron had generously offered.

Lt. Daniel Guérin of Laval police stated that they had been looking for the woman throughout the day. She had been kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend, who had been court ordered to stay away from her after being found guilty of assaulting her and uttering death threats against her in the past.

Thanks to Bonnet, the man was promptly arrested and is now being charged with kidnapping, assault, and forcible confinement. Someone get this boy a medal!

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