Steve Kept A Secret From His Wife For Decades. When He Finally Tells Her? She Loses It

Comedian Steve Harvey started off Mother’s Day Week 2015 on a serious note. Harvey invited his wife Marjorie to help out on the show for Mother’s Day Week. However, what Marjorie did not know was that Steve was in fact going to honor her with a special Mother’s Day tribute of her own.

During the show Steve became very emotional as he told his loving wife how much she meant to him and his family. Harvey says that Marjorie went out of her way to make his children feel comfortable and have a place to call home. Steve also described how Marjorie dropped everything to help their youngest son Winton to transform from a struggling student to now an A/B student.

Steve also described how Marjorie helped him to enjoy listening to music again. Although Steve Harvey has been long known as a successful comedian and radio host, during this taping he confessed that he was never comfortable with that fame until he met Marjorie.

Marjorie, he says, helped him to understand that he had to be happy with himself before he could be happy and comfortable with someone else. Harvey also credits Marjorie with helping him to become a more well traveled person. He says that before Marjorie, he never traveled.

Now the lovely couple are known for their exciting adventures around the world. Steve ends the tribute by expressing how grateful and truly happy he is to have a loving wife like Marjorie in his life.

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