She Thought It Was Just A Normal Mole — Until She Saw THIS. You Better Check Yours ASAP Too

She Thought It Was Just A Normal Mole — Until She Saw THIS. You Better Check Yours ASAP Too

Our skin might be one of the most mistreated organs that humans have. We get bruises, cuts, blisters, sun burns, and more on a regular basis and we don’t so much as scoff at it. With natural things like moles and freckles, we might not even think twice about it. But we should.

The Skin Cancer Foundation has released a statement saying that every 57 minutes someone dies of melanoma. Have you had more than five sunburns? Unfortunately, your chances of getting melanoma are doubled.

How can you be sure that mole isn’t something more? There are five signs that give away melanoma immediately.


Moles are symmetrical. That means that if you drew a line through them both sides would be nearly or exactly identical. Melanoma lesions are asymmetrical. If you drew a line through them, both sides would be completely different from each other.


Moles have nice, smooth borders. Melanoma lesions have uneven and jagged borders that don’t have any clear shape or design to them.


Any mole is typically one shade – a brown or tan – with no really difference throughout the entire shape. With melanoma, colors can vary and be uneven throughout the mark.


Moles aren’t very big. They’re usually smaller than 6mm, which is the size of a pencil eraser. Anything larger might be melanoma.


Moles are stagnant. They don’t change. Any that do might be melanoma in disguise.

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