She Escaped Duct Tape With THIS Simple Trick. I Beg You To Learn This Too. It Might Save Your Life

Self-defense classes and pepper sprays enjoy great popularity, for instance. Yet one of the simplest and most practical maneuvers to escape from a dangerous situation has received little publicity. And the process strikes many people as so simple it could not possibly succeed.

A video on the site from DateLine demonstrates a remarkably direct way for someone to escape from duct tape binding their hands in front of them. A petite blonde anchorwoman demonstrates the procedure. She watches as an assistant secures her wrists with duct tape several times, wrapping them so tightly that the tape actually hurts. She tells the audience she will try the escape maneuver, but does not really believe it can work.

The show’s staff reportedly became curious about this topic after covering a news item in which a woman became a victim of an apparent armed robbery. The police discovered her bound with duct tape. A person associated with the Central Intelligence Agency explained to representatives of the television production that a method exists for escaping from duct tape that secures wrists tied together in front. Simply raise both hands over your head, then bring them down rapidly to your sides in a single swift, forceful movement.

And when the skeptical anchorwoman tried this maneuver…it worked perfectly!

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