She Discovered A Homeless Man Doing THIS With 10 Stray Dogs and It’s Going Viral…

During a drive home in the state of Arkansas, one local woman noticed an elderly homeless man riding his bicycle. But as she got closer, Alicia saw that the man was working hard to pedal as, attached to his bike, he had a trailer with ten dogs in it. Alicia was deeply moved by the sight of the man and vowed to stop and help if she saw him again.

She eventually learned that the man on the bicycle was called Steve and had been homeless for over 15 years – his sole mission in life was to take care of neglected or abandoned animals. Alicia eventually got to meet Steve, who told her that he was taking a 2000-mile ride to see his Girlfriend in Indiana who also loved caring for dogs. Alicia was touched by Steve’s dedication to saving stray animals and wanted to do whatever she could to help.

So she took to Facebook and set up an online fundraiser page for the man and his animals. Just a few hours later, people donated dog food, various supplies and a hotel room so Steve and the rest of his dog pack could rest. One woman from Tennessee also volunteered to drive Steve to Indiana. Once there, he was put in touch with a charity that helps the homeless and their pets.

Steve and the dogs got a new trailer, so they won’t be sleeping on the street again.

She Discovered A Homeless Man Doing THIS With 10 Stray Dogs and It’s Going Viral…

She Discovered A Homeless Man Doing THIS With 10 Stray Dogs and It’s Going Viral…

She Discovered A Homeless Man Doing THIS With 10 Stray Dogs and It’s Going Viral…

She Discovered A Homeless Man Doing THIS With 10 Stray Dogs and It’s Going Viral…

She Discovered A Homeless Man Doing THIS With 10 Stray Dogs and It’s Going Viral…

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