Proposed Law Would Restrict Access to Viagra For Married Men Without Permission From Wives

Proposed Law Would Restrict Access to Viagra For Married Men Without Permission From Wives

Mary Lou Marzian, a Democrat member of the House of Representatives, has proposed a law that would require men to get permission from their wives before receiving a prescription for erectile dysfunction drugs. While she has no expectations that the bill will get passed, she is doing it to prove a point to anti-abortion lawmakers. Her point is that women should be able to do whatever they want with their own bodies and that lawmakers have no business in the personal and private medical affairs of citizens.

Ms. Marzian disagrees with recent laws passed by the Republican Governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin, which require women to get counseling 24 hours before an abortion and to hear the heartbeat and see the fetus before going forward with the procedure. She stated that such laws are “unacceptable,” “ridiculous,” and “intrusive.”

In addition to presenting a signed and dated letter from their spouse, the law, if passed, would require men to see a doctor twice regarding this issue and swear on a bible that they will only use the drugs for sexual intercourse with their wives. Unmarried men would not have access to the drugs under this law.

Ms. Marzian also plans to propose a law that would require that people get counselling from a victim of gun violence prior to purchasing a gun.

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