Pastor Stops Trump Mid-Sentence: ‘We Didn’t Invite You Here’

Donald Trump recently delivered a speech in Flint, Michigan. He was speaking about jobs and other issues related to his campaign when he was interrupted by a pastor. Trump was talking about Hillary Clinton when he was interrupted. Trump was making statements about Clinton failing on the economy and foreign issues. The pastor didn’t agree with some of the things that Trump was saying.

Rev. Faith Timmons interrupted Trump to tell him that he was invited to the town so that he could thank the community for what they have done. He was not invited to give any kind of political speech, but Trump saw the invite as a way to make others aware of his run for president. Trump told the pastor that it was alright, and he continued with his speech.

He also told those at the meeting that he would continue to talk about Flint. He was invited to the area to see what the community had done in regards to the water situation.

Trump spoke at a church where many African Americans gathered to worship and was invited by a someone who was once an aide to Ben Carson. It seems that Trump is taking even a 20-minute town tour to make sure everyone knows that he is in the running for office.

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