Next Time You Go To Throw Away Your Child’s Old Sports Jersey, You Should Do THIS Instead…

Any parent of a child involved in sports knows the precious memories those sports jerseys hold. They also know the valuable space they take up, long after they have served their purpose. There are ways to keep the jerseys and turn them into artful keepsakes that won’t take up much room and will add a nice decorative touch to your child’s room or another area of your home.

To make wall art out of a sports jersey, an artist’s canvas is needed. Also needed are a heavy duty stapler and pliers. First, slide the artist’s canvas inside the jersey to make sure the jersey is big enough to cover it. Center the part of the jersey you want to display on the front of the canvas. Check often during your project to make sure the display looks like you want it to. For the next step you will trim off the sleeves and top and bottom of the jersey.

Don’t cut away too much material as you need some to staple to the canvas frame and any excess material can be trimmed off when you are done. Now turn your canvas over and pull lightly on the excess material at the top and insert a staple. Repeat this step on the bottom and two sides, adding staples until the material is securely attached. Don’t forget to check the front as you go along to make sure the jersey is displayed the way you want it to be. If necessary, staples can be removed with pliers and reattached. Once the jersey is stapled in place on all four sides, trim away extra fabric from the four corners and finish the corners. This is done by tucking one side of the corner neatly and tautly under the other and securing with a staple. Once all four corners are finished, so is your display piece.

Other projects can be done with your kids’ old sports jerseys to preserve them as precious keepsakes. Use them in throw pillows, quilts or wall hangings. They may also be stapled to a piece of cardboard and framed.

You don’t have to give up those precious jerseys in order to reclaim your space. Display them with love in one of the above mentioned ways or come up with your own creative ideas.

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