Mom Refuses to Let Nurse Bathe Her Newborn … Turns Out, She Might Actually Be Right!

Newborns have a white-cheesy substance on them after they are born. This substance is known as the vernix caseosa. It protects the baby’s skin while he or she is still in the womb.

In the past, nurses would wash this off the baby as soon as he or she was born. However, many parents today are letting the vernix caseosa stay on the skin as long as possible.

The vernix caseosa is made up of sebum, which is an oil produced by the skin. It is known as the best moisturizer in the world. It is also filled with good bacteria. That is why the vernix caseosa should be kept on the skin. Baby’s skin can get cracked after seven to 10 days.

Elodie Depuy gave birth to a daughter seven months ago. She decided not to let the nurses give her baby a bath. The nurses wiped the baby down with a towel and then handed her back to Elodie. The baby girl did not look or smell dirty.

Elodie waited until her baby was six-days-old before giving her a bath. The vernix caseosa is known as nature’s cold cream. That is why it should be kept on the infant’s skin.

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