Mom Invites New Boyfriend Over At 2AM. Then He Walks In And Sees Her Kids Like THIS:

After Kristina went through a difficult divorce, she vowed that she would never fall in love again. Two years after her divorce, she met a man named Phillip – she liked him, but she did everything she could to avoid forming a bond with him. She stated that the stronger her feelings got, the more she tried to fight them because she was afraid of being hurt again.

A few weeks after Phillip met Kristina’s kids, Kristina and her three year-old became sick at the same time. She stayed up all night trying to clean up her child’s vomit, which woke up the five year-old. Kristina knew that she could not handle this alone because she was about to go crazy from exhaustion, so she decided to call Phillip. Kristina told him that if he wanted her, then he would come over right now.

Twenty minutes later, Philip showed up at her home. Kristina thought that Philip would be angry at her for calling him and waking him up. However, Philip’s reaction surprised Kristina. He cleaned up the little girl’s vomit and told Kristina to go to bed because he was going to take care of the kids. Philip then put the kids to bed and told Kristina that he wanted to be a part of her life and the children’s lives.

This all happened almost seven years ago… Philip is still committed to Kristina and her kids – he loves the kids as though they were his own. Kristina is grateful that she allowed Philip to come into her life and her children are also grateful to have Philip around.

Mom Invites New Boyfriend Over At 2AM. Then He Walks In And Sees Her Kids Like THIS:

Mom Invites New Boyfriend Over At 2AM. Then He Walks In And Sees Her Kids Like THIS:

Mom Invites New Boyfriend Over At 2AM. Then He Walks In And Sees Her Kids Like THIS:

Mom Invites New Boyfriend Over At 2AM. Then He Walks In And Sees Her Kids Like THIS:

Mom Invites New Boyfriend Over At 2AM. Then He Walks In And Sees Her Kids Like THIS:

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