Man Purposely Tries To Get On Wife’s Nerves. But His Method Is Epic!

Man Purposely Tries To Get On Wife’s Nerves. But His Method Is Epic!

Some men want to do everything possible to keep their wife happy while others want to try to get on the woman’s nerves any way they can. One man tried to get on his wife’s nerves, and after several failed attempts, he was finally able to succeed. The way that he completed the job is priceless, and it could be something for other men to look at if they want to do the same thing.

The man and woman were watching a game show on TV one evening. They were laying on their bed, so the man asked if his wife wanted to have sex. This seems like a reasonable question from a husband to his wife. She says no, and the husband asks her if it’s her final answer. The wife said yes, so the man jokingly told her that he wanted to phone a friend.

He proceeds to do several things that would get on her nerves. One evening they go to a restaurant where they order steak, and the waiter asks about mad cow.

The man responds that he will let his wife order her own meal. Another day the man found the wife clipping the grass with scissors to try to get the point across that they need a new law mower. He finally succeeded in making sure she was irritated at him. She was looking at herself in the mirror and feeling that she wasn’t attractive. Her husband gave her the compliment that she wanted, but it was in agreement that her eyesight was perfect.

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