Labeled As A Monster And Abandoned – This Pit-Bull Just Needed Somebody To Love. Then THIS Happened

Nico the pit-bull has been through a lot in his life. He is deaf, has lived in shelters and been forced to participate in savage dog-fighting pits. He was sentenced to die in July 2009 for agressive behavior and apparent abandonment.

Kelly Gibson, an animal rescuer, saw a photo of Nico online. The pit-bull was leaning up against the wall, a sad and defeated look in his eyes. She decided then and there that she was going to meet Nico in person. When Kelly looked at that photo she didn’t see an aggressive beast, but a depressed animal in need of love. She was determined to help Nico.

Kelly started a fundraiser to help Nico get the treatment that he needed. He was transferred to a shelter in Indiana and at the shelter three months, Nico had made stunning progress. The staff at the shelter decided it was time Nice be placed with a loving family. And in no time a woman named Bridget had decided to adopt the pup.

Bridget also adopted another pitbull named Brisby. Brisby was at the same shelter as Nico. Brisby is also deaf like Nico.

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