Her Children Are Fully Grown – But Wait Until You See Why She Keeps A Bassinet At Her Door…

Her Children Are Fully Grown – But Wait Until You See Why She Keeps A Bassinet At Her Door…

A newborn baby’s body was found in a drain in 2014. A few weeks later, another newborn’s body was found on a beach in Sydney, Australia a few weeks later. The two events are not related, but Catherine Lucre was inspired by both events to prevent another tragedy from occurring. Catherine is 56-years-old and is a nurse and midwife. She is also the mother of four grown children.

Catherine stated that she is tired of seeing babies being thrown in the trash can and left to die. That is why she set up a non-profit organization called Operation Safe Haven. She encourages people who want to give up their baby to contact her. Catherine is a midwife, so she knows that a lot of mothers do not know that these options are available. She also knows that there are reasons people do not want to keep a baby.

Some mothers are forced to hide their pregnancies. Others have mental issues that prevent them from properly caring for their baby. Catherine is willing to travel to meet the mothers who want to give up their baby. She also keeps a bassinet at her door, which is where mothers can drop off their unwanted babies.

If a baby is dropped in the bassinet, then she takes him or her to the hospital. She also gets in touch with the police and community services. This mother is being called a hero, but she has stated that her main concern is the babies.

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