Her Boyfriend Beats Her And Her Husky – Who Knew It Would Lead To This?

A woman is beaten every nine seconds in the United States and many of these women have pets who are also beaten and injured. Amanda is one of the people who was an unfortunate victim of domestic violence. The abusive relationship started when she was a teenager. Amanda’s boyfriend forced her to leave her family. He also beat her often. Amanda stated that she was her boyfriend’s punching bag.

Three years ago, Amanda decided that she was going to start taking care of abandoned puppies. She loved all of the puppies, but she formed a special bond with one named Kyro. Kyro was the only thing that made her happy. Despite the fact that Amanda was in a violent relationship, she felt safe when she was with Kyro.

One day, Amanda’s boyfriend decided that he was going to take his temper out on Kyro. Amanda knew that this was going to be the last straw so she took Kyro and left her violent boyfriend. Amanda and Kyro traveled throughout the Pacific Northwest. Amanda has taken photos of all of the interesting things that she has seen. Kyro not only helps keep Amanda safe, but he has also helped her discover her passion for photography.

Amanda is now a domestic violence advocate. She wants other victims to know that there is hope. She also uses social media to tell other people about her travel experiences.

Her Boyfriend Beats Her And Her Husky – Who Knew It Would Lead To This?

Her Boyfriend Beats Her And Her Husky – Who Knew It Would Lead To This?

Her Boyfriend Beats Her And Her Husky – Who Knew It Would Lead To This?

Her Boyfriend Beats Her And Her Husky – Who Knew It Would Lead To This?

Her Boyfriend Beats Her And Her Husky – Who Knew It Would Lead To This?

Her Boyfriend Beats Her And Her Husky – Who Knew It Would Lead To This?

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