He Ran His Son Over With A Lawn Mower In A Horrible Accident. But Wait Til You See Him Now

Young Emma Roberts saw a harrowing accident that permanently had affected her family. The six-year old was the only person watching one day while her father, Brad Roberts was mowing the lawn. It was five years ago. Brad was employed at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office in Florida.

Out of nowhere he struck something that felt very solid while he was trying to access a space between the shed and the fence. That’s when it occurred to him that he had just run over his four year old son Jacob.

Brad instantly removed the lawnmower from his son’s body and screamed to his wife Kim to contact 911. Jacob was beleeding intensly from multi[ple lacerations. However, Brad and his wife managed to get the little boy to a nearby hospital in sufficient time to keep him alive. Jacob had received several skin graft procedures since the terrifying situation.

Doctors removed skin from Jacob’s thighs to recreate his chin. They also were forced to take off all of the digits on his left hand. A lot of work was done to recreate the left portions of Jacob’s chin and face.

Although Jacob has gone through a lot in his young life, he’s never given up fighting and persevering. People saw the boy cycling around the hospital merely days post-surgery. The entire Roberts family was overwhelmed after the accident.

They, however, decided that they wanted to seek peace and comfort within all of the stress of what had happened to them. Brad Roberts admitted that while he won’t ever forgive himself for the accident, he’s indeed grateful that his son is alive and is going to recover. When he was finished mourning, he’d then pick up the pieces and continue being the best father he can be.

Wife Kim indicated that she opted to concentrate on the good things in her life after the accident. Kim believes that what happened to Jacob was in God’s hands. She said that God wanted it to be that way so that the tale could affect many others in a positive and inspiring way.

The accident had a dramatic impact on the family’s lives. Kim stopped working as an engineer and then followed her true passion, teaching. After the accident, she had the clarity to see that her busy profession stopped her from enjoying many wonderful memories with her youngsters. Young Jacob currently is a healthy and content little boy. His doctors are extremely stunned by his ability to adjust to the circumstances. It takes a lot of spirit and a lot of drive to carry on after something so traumatic, and little Jacob is soldiering on.

He Ran His Son Over With A Lawn Mower In A Horrible Accident. But Wait Til You See Him Now
He Ran His Son Over With A Lawn Mower In A Horrible Accident. But Wait Til You See Him Now
He Ran His Son Over With A Lawn Mower In A Horrible Accident. But Wait Til You See Him Now
He Ran His Son Over With A Lawn Mower In A Horrible Accident. But Wait Til You See Him Now

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