He Heard Sounds From Behind His Tire -But When He Checked He Never Expects THIS!

He Heard Sounds From Behind His Tire -But When He Checked He Never Expects THIS!

As the weather gets warmer, it becomes more common to come across fawns all by themselves that appear to have been abandoned by their mothers. However, seeing a fawn all by itself does not necessarily mean that it has been left alone permanently. Mother deer will often leave a fawn alone in tall grass or some other hidden area for a few hours so that the two animals together will not attract predators.

On the other hand, fawns sometimes really are abandoned by their mothers because they are injured. This was the case recently when a man in Maryland found a tiny fawn huddled underneath a vehicle and called a veterinarian for assistance. The animal was then safely pulled out from under the vehicle and given medical treatment.

Animal experts say there are a number of signs that a fawn has really been abandoned and that the mother isn’t just somewhere nearby grazing. If a fawn is whining and crying, has visible injuries or is covered with flies, it probably needs help.

Approaching a fawn can be dangerous and caution is advised when doing so. Rescuers should wear gloves and speak to the animal in a soothing voice. Sudden movements should be avoided, and, when possible, a professional animal worker, such as a veterinarian, should be contacted before doing anything.

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