Driver Spots Homeless Man’s Heartbreaking Scene Along Highway So He Does THIS

Driver Spots Homeless Man’s Heartbreaking Scene Along Highway So He Does THIS

There are an estimated 4 million dogs in the US winding up annually in local shelters for adoption, with countless others not lucky enough to find a home roaming the roadways and streets. One individual named Steve, despite being homeless himself since 2001, has taken it upon himself to care for 11 stray dogs as he walks across the country. He carries his canine companions in a specially devised cart that sports a sign proclaiming “Strays United: God Loves Strays.”

Although a few drivers who spotted Steve and his brood managed to stop from time to time to offer them assistance, it wasn’t until 24-year old Alicia Edrington of West Memphis, AR, encountered Steve and his strays that a workable plan was put into place to help this motley crew on an ongoing basis.

After Edrington shared Steve’s story on social media, both Facebook and GoFundMe pages were established so that Steve and his dogs would receive the financial support they so desperately needed.

Good things have continued to happen to Steve and his strays since encountering Alicia Edrington along the roadway and she decided to stop and get involved. Not only has more than $25,000 been raised to help Steve and his family of stray dogs but another compassionate driver offered to transport Steve and his animal family to their desired destination in Indiana. Steve says he had a simple reason for taking care of the strays as he walked mile after mile – they need each other.

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