Don’t Throw Away Your Used Bic Lighter! This Simple Trick, Can Revive Your Fire -Stick!

When one flicks that Bic wand lighter in the trash, needless money is wasted. Not only the replacement cost but the long term effects of more waste on our planet. This issue got the ire up in Do-It-Yourself crowd and bouts of brainstorming ensued. Which, gave birth to a simple life-hack that effectively recycles waste and saves you money. Crew Reverse engineering enabled the investigators to see the heart of what gave those Bic wands their flame.

A small screw is the mechanical fastener that kept two pieces in place, apply a screwdriver and gently remove this. Now, taking a flat edged tool, one gently inserts in the gap and moves forward on both sides. This causes the glue and plastic tabs to give way. Gently inserting a finger or two, one pulls out what was thought to be the reservoir of lighter fluid, but inside is a slightly augmented Bic disposable lighter.

With another newer lighter and remove the windscreen. Next comes off the flint wheel and the corresponding spring. A visual inspection verifies that we are more than half way home in this repair. The Fork, the spring, and the jet are to be removed in that order. After this is done, it is important to keep it upright to prevent spillage. Take the expired reserve and remove the same parts in the same orgder. A visual inspection notes one key difference. From the Bic wand lighter, the jet is a little bit taller and will be the one to use with the new lighter. Carefully take the jet, spring, and fork from the old and put it in the new one. Now one is ready to reinsert this reservoir back into the wand apparatus. Please make sure the end of the fork is in line with the trigger. Put it back in place and use the screw to secure the two pieces together.

Click the wand a few times and as long as the spark is still produced by the wand then the flame should follow. A straightforward fix that not only pockets one money but also cuts down on needless pollution. Easy fixes that take only minutes from our life provide satisfaction and savings for the household.

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