Devastated Father Makes Unbelievable Discovery When Cleaning His Deceased Daughter’s Room

Devastated Father Makes Unbelievable Discovery When Cleaning His Deceased Daughter’s Room

After a teenager died from cancer, her father began the painful task of cleaning out her room. While cleaning, he discovered something startling and painful that his daughter left behind.

Athena Orchard was only 13 when she passed away from complications related to cancer. Her family learned of a tumor in her brain that quickly spread to other areas of her body. Athena left a message behind her mirror for her family and friends.

The letter that Athena wrote was about 3,000 words long. She never told anyone that she wrote the letter, keeping her personal thoughts to herself. Athena was a girl who was spiritual, so her father wasn’t surprised when he found the letter.

The family is keeping the mirror so that they have a part of Athena with them at all times. In the letter, Athena talks about happiness and being able to love yourself. She doesn’t want anyone to give up on anything in life.

It’s important to show others how much they are loved because life is short, and you might not get that chance to tell them how you feel. Athena mentioned about fighting in her life and that she knows she has someone on her side who loves her.

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