Babysitter Cancels On Single Mom, Then She Walks Out Of Her Exam And Sees Where Her Kids Are

Babysitter Cancels On Single Mom, Then She Walks Out Of Her Exam And Sees Where Her Kids Are

Monica Willard is a single mother as well as an ROTC student. She was planning to take her military final exam and relied on the help of a babysitter so that she wouldn’t have to worry about her children while taking the test. At the last minute, the sitter cancelled. Monica had to take her children with her to the school while she took her exam.

The children sat in the hall while their mother took her test. They soon began to argue about a laptop that they were sharing. The history professor decided to do something to help. One of the students in the class took a picture of the kindness that was exhibited by the professor and shared it on Facebook.

The professor went out to the hall and played with the kids so that they would be occupied, leaving a peaceful setting for the mother to take her test.

He went as far as getting down on the floor with the kids and holding one on his shoulders so that the child could easily see the computer game that he was playing. When Monica exited from the classroom, she was surprised and thankful for the act that she saw.

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