Baby Joey Won’t Stop Following Police Officer Around – The Reason WHY Is Amazing!

The bond between a parent and child is extremely important. This bond is also evident in the animal kingdom. Unfortunately, tragic strikes, and a baby is left without a mother. The good news is that many people step in and act as a surrogate mother. Constable Scott Mason acts as a surrogate parent to a baby kangaroo.

Baby Joey Won’t Stop Following Police Officer Around – The Reason WHY Is Amazing!

Constable Scott Mason had been working at the Cue Police Station for a few weeks when he noticed a baby kangaroo. The kangaroo’s mother had died, and he was left to fend for himself. Constable Scott was determined to not let this baby be neglected. He cares for the kangaroo, and the two have a bond that will put a smile on anyone’s face.

Baby Joey Won’t Stop Following Police Officer Around – The Reason WHY Is Amazing!

When Constable Scott first found the kangaroo, he did not know if the baby would make it. The kangaroo was very dehydrated and weak. However, he was determined to do what he could to save the kangaroo. He feeds the kangaroo every three hours. He also carries the kangaroo in a pouch. Constable Scott named the kangaroo Cuejo.

Baby Joey Won’t Stop Following Police Officer Around – The Reason WHY Is Amazing!

Constable Scott and his fellow officers will care for Cuejo until he is picked up by animal rescue workers. The video of Cuejo bonding with Constable Scott has been placed on Facebook. It has been viewed over 2.5 million times.

Baby Joey Won’t Stop Following Police Officer Around – The Reason WHY Is Amazing!

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